Navigating Logistics with Vision: Insights from Andrea Salvanelli, CEO of eShop Logistic Srl

Join us as we delve into Andrea's experiences, leadership philosophies, and his vision for the future of logistics. This is a conversation you won't want to miss!

The Pack Lab
July 23, 2024

Section 1: Background and Company Origin

Can you provide a brief overview of your background and what inspired you to start your 3PL company?

The company is founded on the experience of various private share owners who, with over 30 years of experience in the logistics and transport sectors, in the various operational, commercial and HR departments, with a vast network of customers, partners and suppliers ready to collaborate with maximum transparency and professionalism.

What was the vision or mission that drove you to establish your own 3PL business?

We wanted to found a company that combines professionalism with flexibility, innovation and internationalization, ready to expand its quality on an international level, using its advanced IT systems and deep knowledge.

Could you share any unique or challenging experiences that motivated you to take the entrepreneurial leap into the logistics industry?

The founding members, with over 30 years of experience, have managed and developed logistics projects from the simplest to the most complex, from the most local ones on the Italian national territory to the most international ones and wanted to bring together their knowledge in eShop Logistic Srl

How did you come up with the name for your company, and is there a story behind it?

Using the name "eShop Logistic" we wanted to clearly and directly underline how the main activity is B2C logistics even though the company is active at an omnichannel level between B2B retail, wholesale, etc.

Section 2: Company Growth and Milestones

Since the inception of your 3PL company, what significant milestones have you achieved in terms of growth and expansion?

The company was founded 4 years ago and by maintaining positive EBITDA it has managed to grow in double digits on an annual basis.

Can you describe a defining moment or strategy that played a crucial role in scaling your business?

The company is based on the flexibility of its operations, able to satisfy customer requests by providing specific ad hoc solutions and combined with the efficiency of IT systems (WMS, TMS, etc.), we have managed to grow and expand with our clients.

How have you managed to adapt and stay competitive in the ever-evolving logistics and supply chain industry?

Always thanks to the flexibility of our operations, able to satisfy customer requests by providing specific ad hoc solutions and combined with the efficiency of IT systems (WMS, TMS, etc.), we manage to remain competitive and in step with the changes in the world supply chain and transportation.

What sets your company apart from other 3PL providers, and how have you maintained a competitive edge?

Flexibility, transparency in processes, experience, innovative cloud IT systems, consultancy spirit, cost optimization, professionalism, efficient network of partners, references and much more all together constitute an efficient and competitive logistics solution

Section 3: Industry Insights and Advice

What are some trends and challenges you've observed in the logistics and 3PL sector over the years?

Challenges: shortage of manpower in general, shortage of specialized manpower, increase in costs, need to identify innovative transport solutions, in some cases decline in e-commerce volumes for certain merchants with the need to find different sales solutions and this leads to a decrease in some volumes.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start their own 3PL?

Try to have a balanced development, with attention to costs and without incurring debt or requesting financing. Try to differentiate yourself in the market with quality and specific services. Maintain relationships with trusted partners by establishing a network capable of supporting growth

Could you share any innovative approaches or technologies that have contributed to your company's success?

The basis of our logistics activity is our IT structure: WMS, TMS, CMR are very stable, efficient, high-performance, tested by years of experience, multi-channel, in the cloud, integrated with countless external services and partners, low cost for set up and integration, expandable to every part of the world.

How do you see the future of 3PL and logistics evolving, and what strategies do you have in place to adapt?

Challenges: shortage of manpower in general, shortage of specialized manpower, increase in costs, need to identify innovative transport solutions, in some cases decline in e-commerce volumes for certain merchants with the need to find different sales solutions and this leads to a decrease in some volumes.

What tech stack and outsourced service providers do you use at your business? Please list as many as you can and write a short blurb about what you like about using them.

WMS, TMS, CMR, Packaging, basic equipment.

Section 4: Personal Insights

In your journey as a 3PL founder, what have been the most rewarding and personally fulfilling moments?

Sign a large contract for the management of worldwide logistics for one of the biggest brands in the world.

Can you share a memorable or inspiring story related to your experiences as a business owner?

Set up excellent and remarkable logistics and transport solutions for a famous fashion and accessories company. Solutions that provide omnichannel and coverage of multiple continents with inventories in different locations but managed by a single IT structure. Management of ad hoc shipping solutions for each reference market with related returns management. integrated value-added services

What is your leadership philosophy, and how do you inspire and motivate your team?

Our principles only and will always be those of maintaining a spirit of collaboration, mutual help, support, development, positivity, respect, humanity.

How do you balance work and life as an entrepreneur in a demanding industry?

weekends are sacred and I use them to unplug and relax with trips and excursions

What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?

I passionately follow the professional developments of a guru in terms of international logistics knowledge: Luca Niccolai, my friend.

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